thermo-fluid software provides robust flow and heat simulations through un-structured meshing techniques, suitable for advance simulations of complex geometry components with precision and accuracy. The polyhedral hexagonal mesh geometry finely captures curved surface such as those of machinery parts where flows across the surface are often complex. The advance Octree-based mesh makes stable the simulations where near-wall phenomena are significant. The interaction of disjoint static component (e.g. machine frame) with moving constituent (e.g. rotating axial fan) can be simulated using moving element and discontinuous mesh.
- Flow (Laminar / Turbulent / Incompressible / Compressible)
- Heat
- Rotation and translation (moving elements, discontinuous mesh)
- Diffusion (species, humidity, mixed gas, chemical reaction)
- Multiphase flow (Particle tracking, spray, free surface, cavitation, solidification / melting)
- Fan / Propeller model
- จำลองการเปลี่ยนสถานะระหว่างของเหลวและแก๊ส วิเคราะห์การเกิดหยดน้ำบริเวณพื้นผิววัสดุที่สนใจด้วยการวิเคราะห์อุณภูมิของพื้นผิวและปริมาณไอน้ำในอากาศ
- Electric current
- Thermoregulation model, and
- Co-simulation (with GT-SUITE, Marc, Adams, FMI)