Biovia Materials Studio

"Materials Studio is the world’s most advanced, yet easy to use environment for modeling and evaluating materials performance and behavior" -BIOVIA Materials Studio

BIOVIA Materials Studio is among its kind with the capability for modeling and simulating chemistry, materials design, engineered materials, polymers, and many more. Its completed environment is designed to allow materials scientists, chemists, and researchers quickly and visually understand the relationships of materials’ atomic and molecular structure to their behavior and properties. BIOVIA Materials Studio makes precise prediction possible for a wide spectrum, such as metals, alloys, polymers, composites, ceramics, and engineered materials systems at all scales – from bulk to meso- and nano-scales. Researchers and many industry players are engineering better-performing materials including catalysis, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and solvents, surfactants, battery materials, fuel cells, semiconductors, sensors, carbon nanotubes, zeolites, molecular/inorganic crystals, and a variety of nanostructured materials.

Materials Studio offers an “in silico first” approach, allowing researchers to optimize their materials’ performance in a relatively low-cost environment prior to physical testing.

  • Accelerate the innovation process: BIOVIA Materials Studio drives a deeper understanding of the interactions that define material properties
  • Reduce R&D Costs: by using the BIOVIA Materials Studio, the number of physical experiments can be minimized via “Virtually Screening” candidates
  • Improve R&D Efficiency: automate and share best practices within Pipeline Pilot to reduce non-value-added tasks 
  • Foster Data-Driven Decisions: BIOVIA Materials Studio offers complemented laboratory experimentation with powerful materials informatics


BIOVIA Materials Studio provides a broad range of solutions. It comes with tools for modeling and simulating from quantum, atomistic, mesoscale, statistical, analytical and crystallization tools. With the completed tools, it enables researchers to accurately analyze and evaluate materials at various particle sizes and time scales in the shortest time possible.

Quantum tools มีเครื่องมือวิเคราะห์คุณสมบัติของอนุภาคที่มีขนาดเล็กมากในระดับอะตอม ใช้วิธีการวิเคราะห์ด้วย density function theory (DFT) และ semi-empirical method รวมทั้งเครื่องมือวิเคราะห์เฉพาะเจาะจง เช่น Materials Studio CANTERA, Materials Studio CASTEP, Materials Studio DMol3, Materials Studio DFTB+, Materials Studio FlexTS, Materials Studio KINETIX, Materials Studio NMR CASTEP, Materials Studio ONETEP, Materials Studio QMERA, Materials Studio VAMP 

Classical simulation tools ทำการวิเคราะห์ด้วย classical interactions ระหว่างอะตอมและโมเลกุล เช่น molecular dynamics, lattice dynamics และ Monte Carlo methods ผลิตภัณฑ์ในกลุ่ม Classical simulation tools: Materials Studio Adsorption Locator, Materials Studio Amorphous Cell, Materials Studio Blends, Materials Studio Conformers, Materials Studio COMPASS, Materials Studio Forcite Plus, Materials Studio GULP, Materials Studio Sorption 

 ผลิตภัณฑ์ในกลุ่ม Mesoscale simulation tools: Materials Studio MesoDyn, Materials Studio Mesocite, Materials Studio PhaseField 

 ผลิตภัณฑ์ในกลุ่ม Statistical tools: Materials Studio QSAR, Materials Studio QSAR Plus, Materials Studio Synthia 

 ประกอบด้วยเครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการศึกษา คาดการณ์ รวมถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงของโครงสร้างและการโตของผลึก 

 ผลิตภัณฑ์ในกลุ่ม Materials Studio Morphology, Materials Studio Polymorph Predictor, Materials Studio Motif, Materials Studio Reflex, Materials Studio Reflex QPA, Materials Studio X-Cell 


“Easily build and visualize many material types from organometallic complexes to polymers, crystals, surfaces, and catalysts.” – BIOVIA Materials Studio

How easy and user-friendly for the simulations using BIOVIA Materials Studio? Besides the valued simulating tools available with the BIOVIA Materials Studio suite, self-contained Materials Visualizer is the most complete graphical user environment built for chemists and materials scientists for fast productivity and with less effort using.